All posts by reddevilrobotics2013

The EHS Robotics team is super excited to be back this year! This is our second year doing VEX, and we have learned so much in the year and a half that we’ve participated in VEX! Our programmers have had quite a bit of success in creating and autonomous program for this year’s challenge, and we were elated when we took autonomous  during our first competition. Our builders have really been challenged by this year’s game, but it’s been a great way to force us to think outside of the box. So far, it’s been a great year!

Since we are still a fairly new program, we’ve had to do a lot of fundraising this year for parts. All of our team members put in many, many hours towards making and selling popcorn balls, and our wonderful coach, Mr. Parry, has spent an enormous portion of his time ordering and helping us advertise Hexbugs. Overall, we made about $2400 in profit, and were able to get all the parts we needed and more!

We look forward to seeing you all in competitions soon! Have a great year!

-The Red Devil Robotics Team